Do As I Do


Type: Impromptu Card Magic Trick

Level: Beginner

Props: 2 decks of cards (there’s an alternate version that can be performed with one deck. See notes at the end).

Introduction: An absolute classic of magic and a must for a beginner magician.

The effect: The magician presents 2 decks of cards (for explanations sake let’s say one of them is red-backed and the other is blue-backed). The spectator is asked to pick up the deck he wants the magician to be using during the trick. The magician grabs the spectator’s deck and instructs the spectator: “Do as I do”. He then proceeds to shuffle the deck. He then asks the spectator to give him his deck, as he hands the spectator his own deck. The magician then says: “We will be both picking a card from the middle of the deck, but will leave the card face down on the table and not yet see it”. They remove their card from the deck and set both the card and the deck on the table. They both look at their respective card and set it on top of the deck. Then, they both proceed to give various cuts to the deck. Now, the both exchange decks once again and the magician announces: “Let’s both try and find our own card in each other’s deck”. They both do. Once they flip them over, they match! “That’s because I asked you to do as I do”, comments the magician.

The method:

In order to perform this trick you will need two full decks (in case to be missing one or a few cards from the decks, they must be removed from the other deck).

Start by asking the spectator which deck he wants you to use and to start shuffling it. Take the other deck and start shuffling it yourself. Before you hand it to the spectator, perform a Glimpse. Remember that card. After you switch decks, tell him to select a card and to remember it, as you pull of a card and pretend to remember it. Don’t.

Place the card on top of the deck and do a few cuts and complete them. Have the spectator return the deck to you as you return yours to him. Now, spread the cards and look for your Index Card (the one you previously memorized). The card following to the right of it (assuming you are spreading left to right) will be his selection. Pull it off the deck and place it face down on the table. From this point on, you just need to act.

NOTE: if you wish to perform this trick with only one deck, you will need to separate the suits and divide the deck into two by joining one black suit and one red suit for each participant. Once the trick is done, you explain you both got a card with the same color and value. Only use this resource in case you do not happen to have a second deck available, as it is more impressive with two decks.


  • Glimpse: Method used by the magician to “glimpse” (hence the name) the bottom card in the deck. In order to do so, the magician casually and slightly turn his wrist just enough to allow him to peek at the bottom card.
  • Index Card: A playing card that is used to locate another card in the deck.


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